Get Site Metadata

The Get Site Metadata node allows you to fetch metadata for a given site URL from Google Search Console. This enables you to retrieve important information like the site's latest update time, type of update, and the update URL.



The Get Site Metadata node takes the following input:

  • Site URL (siteUrl): This is the base URL of the website for which you want to fetch metadata.

Sample Input


The output of the node is an object containing site metadata information. The structure of the output is as follows:

  • URL (url): The base URL of the website.
  • Latest Update (latestUpdate): An object containing details about the latest update on the site.
    • Notify Time (notifyTime): Timestamp of the latest update notification.
    • Type (type): Type of the latest update.
    • URL (url): URL related to the latest update.

Sample Output

  "url": "",
  "latestUpdate": {
    "notifyTime": "2023-10-01T12:00:00Z",
    "type": "update",
    "url": ""

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