Node Input Validation

In BuildShip, you have the ability to specify a regular expression pattern for input fields. This allows you to define a pattern that a value must match to be considered valid.

If the value provided in the input does not match the specified pattern, the workflow will generate a node validation error, preventing the execution of the workflow.


How to Specify Validation Regex

To configure Validation Regex for an input field, follow these steps:

Open the Node Editor

Once you have a node for which you wish to validate the inputs, open the node editor by clicking on the </> icon in the top right corner of the node.

Open the Input Editor

Navigate to the "Inputs" tab within the Node Editor and select the input field/s you wish to validate.

Specify the Validation Regex

You'll spot the "Validation Regex" at the bottom of the input editor. Enter the regular expression pattern you wish to use to validate the input field.


Test the Validation Regex

Once this is done, click the "Save" button to save your changes. You can test your validation regex by entering a value that does not match the pattern you specified. If the value does not match the pattern, you'll see a validation error appear below the input field when you click on the "Ship" button.

Example Validation Regex

Let's consider an example using the regular expression pattern ^[A-Za-z0-9]+$. This specific pattern is designed to match a string that consists of one or more alphanumeric characters, which includes letters (both uppercase and lowercase) and digits.

Here's how the process works:

Input Field Configuration

In the Node Editor, you pick the input field you want to validate, and you add the regular expression pattern in the Validation Regex field for that input.

Pattern Matching

When the workflow is executed, the Validation Regex function checks if the value provided in the input field matches the regular expression pattern defined in the Validation Regex field.

Validation Results

  • CASE 1: If the input is abc123, it matches the pattern (consisting of alphanumeric characters only), and therefore, no validation error is generated. The workflow proceeds as expected.

  • CASE 2: If the input is abc-123,it contains a hyphen, which does not match the specified pattern. In this case, the workflow will generate a validation error before proceeding, preventing the building of the workflow.


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