Youtube Caption Extractor

The Youtube Caption Extractor node extracts auto-generated subtitles and video details from a YouTube video specified by its URL. This node is ideal for applications that need to process or display transcriptions from YouTube videos along with metadata about the video.



The node requires the following inputs:

YouTube Video URL

  • Type: string
  • Description: The URL of the YouTube video from which to extract subtitles and details.
  • Sample Input:


  • Type: string
  • Description: The language of the captions to be extracted.
  • Default: en
  • Sample Input: fr


The output is an object containing the extracted subtitles and video details:

YouTube Captions and Details

  • Type: object
  • Description: The extracted captions and video details.
  • Properties:
    • Subtitles: An array of subtitle entries.
    • Video Details: An object containing metadata about the video, such as title, description, and other relevant details.

By utilizing this node, users can easily access and process YouTube video information programmatically.

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