API Call Node

The API Call node in BuildShip allows you to make HTTP requests to external APIs using the fetch library. It supports various HTTP methods, content types, and authentication options. You can provide query parameters, request body, and choose whether to await the response or not.

Node Inputs

The API Call node accepts the following inputs:

API Call Node

HTTP Method

The HTTP method to use for the API call. Supported values are:

  • GET
  • POST
  • PUT


The URL endpoint of the API to be called, for example: https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather.


The authorization header for the API call, if required (e.g., Bearer or Basic token), for example: Bearer abc123. This authorization header will be added to the request headers while sending the API call.

API Call Node

Query Parameters

The query parameters for the API call. They will be merged with the URL if any are provided.

For example: If the URL is https://api.example.com/data and the query parameters are {"query1": "value1", "query2": "value2"}, the final URL will be https://api.example.com/data?query1=value1&query2=value2.

Sample Input:

  "query1": "value1",
  "query2": "value2"


The body of the request. It can be a JSON object or a string. The content type of the body can be specified using the Content Type field. If the content type is application/json, the body will be sent as a JSON object.

Sample Input:

  "key": "value",
  "data": {
    "nested": "value"

Content Type

The content type of the API call. Available options are:

  • application/json (default)
  • application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  • multipart/form-data
  • text/plain


A boolean value indicating whether the workflow should wait for the API response before proceeding to the next node. If set to false, the node will return immediately with null data.

Node Outputs

The API Call node returns an object with the following properties:

  • status: The HTTP status code of the API response.
  • data: The response data from the API. If the response is JSON, it will be parsed into an object. Otherwise, it will be returned as a string.

Testing the API Call Node

Navigate to the 'API Call' node and fill in the fields with the required information. Click on the '▶︎' Test Button located in the top-right corner of the Node. This will open up the Node testing panel where you can enter the test inputs to execute the Node.

Enter the values for the required fields like HTTP Method, URL, Content Type, Query Parameters, Body, and Authorization. Click on the 'Run Test' button to execute the Node.

API Call Node Testing

If the execution is successful, a green check-mark ✅ will appear on the node. To view the output of the test run, click on the check-mark. You can copy the output by clicking 'Copy Value'.


In case of an unsuccessful execution, an error message will be displayed. For example, an incorrect URL can lead to an error.

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